The optimal endometrial preparation protocol in FET cycles of women with endometriosis.

The optimal endometrial preparation protocol in FET cycles of women with endometriosis. By Selma Oransay

Endometriosis can create infertility and may require treatment with assisted reproductive technology (ART) to induce pregnancy. However, the current literature rarely discusses the optimal endometrial preparation protocol in thawed-frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles for endometriotic patients. Dr.Jin. group from the Reproductive…

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Ovarian endometriomas, ovarian reserve, oocyte quality and IVF/ICSI outcomes

 Ovarian endometriomas, ovarian reserve, oocyte quality and IVF/ICSI outcomes By Selma Oransay

Surgery and assisted reproductive technology (ART) are the preferred treatments for endometrioma in infertile patients. When ART is considered, surgery may seem to have no advantages, as it may not improve pregnancy outcomes and may carry the risk of decreasing…

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